evernote scannable

Screenshots Overview Scannable moves paper forward. Scan contracts, receipts, business cards, and any paper that comes your way. Save or share documents instantly and move on. Automatically capture high-quality scans anywhere Scan fast: Point your ...

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Evernote 是一個非常非常非常棒(絕不是充字數)的記事本工具,它提供您依分類建立記事本,使用關鍵字快速的找出筆記,簡單的圖片轉文字功能,讓圖片中的字也可以被關鍵字搜尋的到,在不同的電腦或手持設備中,同步筆記資訊,查找或新增筆記資訊。 軟體可保留文字記事,儲存網頁,照片,螢幕擷圖等的資訊為筆記的內容。 ...

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  • Screenshots Overview Scannable moves paper forward. Scan contracts, receipts, business car...
    Evernote Scannable - iPhone - English - Evernote App Center ...
  • Scannable moves paper forward. Scan contracts, receipts, business cards, and any paper tha...
    Evernote Scannable on the App Store - iTunes - Apple
  • 「 Evernote Scannable 」第一大特色是強調 全自動化 的完成多張紙張的掃描。 打開「 Evernote Scannable 」後直接進入相機畫面,不需要手動對焦或...
    Evernote Scannable 全自動化超快掃描 App 實測比較
  • 若要輕鬆整理及新增數位媒體收藏,iTunes 是全世界最簡單的工具。 我們在您的電腦上找不到 iTunes。 若要下載 Evernote 的免費 App Evernote Scan...
    Evernote Scannable:在 App Store 上的 App
  • Evernote 推出新的 App 名叫 Scannable,專職關於「掃描」的一切相關事務,包含掃描合約文件、便利貼等等,也可以連接 Evernote 推出的印表機,馬上印出掃描...
    Evernote 推出 Scannable,名片掃描直接建立手機通訊錄 | T客邦 ...
  • The scanner is dead. Long live the scanner! Why rely on a bulky, expensive, deskbound piec...
    Getting started with Evernote Scannable - CNET
  • Use Scannable to scan receipts, documents, photos, business cards, whiteboards, and any ty...
    Quick start – Evernote Help & Learning
  • Scannable Scannable captures the paper in your life quickly and beautifully, transforming ...
    Scannable | Evernote
  • Given how much the modern workflow relies on mobile devices, mobile scanning needs to be b...
    Scannable: A New Mobile Scanning App from Evernote